We provide full legal services in the field of intellectual property, to ensure that law assists the development of human thought.

In the era of online information, we attach increasing importance to intangible assets. Purchases over the Internet, websites, protection of personal rights, fair competition and copyright- there are the areas in which professionals often need help.


  • legal services for authors and artists, representing the rights of publishers and licensees
  • drafting and reviewing contracts and licensing agreements transferring copyrights
  • protection of personal copyrights and the rights of creators subsidiaries
  • legal services for artists and performers
  • related rights – artistic performance, phonograms and videograms
  • proceedings for the protection of image rights
  • legal analysis of the law fair use, exhaustion of rights and copyright in employee

Rights on intangibles

  • legal protection of personal rights-litigation relating to redress and end the infringement, issues related to the protection of personal rights of legal persons
  • legal services regarding other intellectual property rights: know-how and Internet domains
  • legal services for entrepreneurs in the field of obligations under the Act on the Protection of Personal Data – data identification, data processors, entrusting data processing, data controller responsibilities, reporting of data collection and data security
  • preparing comprehensive implementation contracts on computer software

Patent law

  • trademark research – verbal, graphic, word and image, spatial
  • industrial design checks
  • preparation of legal opinions on the possibility of use of trademarks, conflict of laws protecting trademarks, conditions for registration of trademarks
  • representation in proceedings reporting and disputes before the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland and before administrative and common courts
  • investigating claims of infringements of trademarks and patents
  • invalidation of patents and trademarks
  • revocation of patents and trademarks

Competition law

  • legal services for entrepreneurs in the field of claims arising from unfair competitive practices – prohibited advertising, imitation, parasitism, misrepresentation and other acts of unfair competition
  • representation in court proceedings, analysis and legal opinions
  • legal advice on claims arising from the Act on combating unfair commercial practices
  • legal services for entrepreneurs engaged in e-commerce – contracts concluded by electronic means, provision of electronic services and related obligations of the entrepreneurs
  • preparing regulations to provide electronic services, rules the use of websites and privacy policies
  • legal advice on contracts concluded with consumers at a distance –
    obligations of entrepreneurs, the rights and claims of consumers; drafting contracts and legal opinions

Contact us

    Administratorami Twoich danych osobowych są Agata Majerska oraz Bartosz Majerski prowadzący działalność gospodarczą w formie spółki cywilnej Kancelaria Adwokacka IURIDICA A. Majerska B. Majerski s.c., ul. Czarnieckiego 8/4, 30-536 Kraków. Twoje dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu identyfikacji nadawcy oraz obsługi zapytania przesłanego przez formularz kontaktowy, a podstawą przetwarzania jest prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora w postaci komunikacji z użytkownikami strony internetowej. Podanie danych oznaczonych jako obowiązkowe jest wymagane w celu przyjęcia i obsługi zapytania, a ich niepodanie skutkuje brakiem możliwości obsługi. Twoje dane będą przetwarzane przez okres niezbędny do udzielenia odpowiedzi na przesłane zapytanie, a po udzieleniu odpowiedzi do czasu przedawnienia ewentualnych roszczeń. Informujemy, iż masz prawo do żądania dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, a także prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, a także prawo do przenoszenia swoich danych oraz wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego.

    Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych znajdziesz w Polityce Przetwarzania Danych Osobowych.

    Specialists in the law of new technologies in our office are:
    Agata Majerska
    Agata Majerska
    Author of legal literature, an experienced specialist in commercial law.

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    Izabela Mrozek
    Izabela Mrozek
    Attorney at law, specialist in Business Law and New Technology Law.

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